Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha! This year I managed to Puasa Arafah & Korban Lembu. Alhamdullilah, syukur amin yaa rabbi. So let's have fun on this Hari Raya Aildiladha. To me, am enjoying my 3 days holiday from work. In need a long break so much!
Some photos that managed to take during korban lembu at Johore Bahru this morning. Enjoy!
How do you feel no pity when you see animals terrified of their impending doom, and then the pain and suffering they experience going through all that? Its a very strange and sick phenomenon when we 'celebrate' surrounded by pain and death. Instead of slaughtering humans and animals like ancient tribes, we do that only to animals. Its really something to reflect on. Spirituality needs us to open our hearts.