Monday, November 11

Save The Date

Sweet, short and simple post I guess before I start my new career path later on in the morning which is today. Excited & at the same time hati berdetak detuk detik segala babe. I don't know how the new environment will be like. The people, the ambience, the work load, the stress and more. I am praying hard petang tak hujan sebab nak si mamat Y fetch me from work. I need him to take MikeCharlie tomorrow sebab badan dia da hancur dimamah kegatalan. Pity him okay, he never be like beruk yknow. Keluar jalan sikit ke atas motor mesti garuk dengan naked hands dia. Angry mode, because germs all over his naked hands then garuk garuk macam beruk.

Whatever it is, I am FINALLY announcing the wedding date for #faiain BIG day. Fuhhh macam mane punya big shot jek announcing semua. Haha, look out for the date on the picture below. Save the date, ladies! Praying hard this will be the last numbers & date for #faiain BIG day. Da penat nak tukar tukar date la. AND yesterday #faiain was celebrating our 1st engagement anniversary. In Shaa Allah, it will goes on till our BIG day. Okay I shall sleep now, goodnight lovelies.

Dinner date over at The Manhattan Fish Market. I love the mussels so much! New menu to add on whenever I dine in there. Nak jugak selit eh.

SAVE THE DATE, people!! Pray the best for us, no more changes please. 
